Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Car Tongues

So, you know how when you see something for the first time, every time you see it after that it is blatantly obvious and you can't figure out how you missed it before? Well it happened to me.

Maybe it's just an Alaska thing, but this one is killing me. Look at the front of a car. In probably 70% of the cars I've looked at lately, there's a little plug sticking out of the front. Just this little electrical plug dangling out of the grill of the car.

It's ridiculous! It looks like a little tongue hanging out- like a car is a dog waiting for a treat. I seriously can't take cars seriously now. I don't know if it's just me, or what, but go outside and look at a line of cars and look for that little tongue and I promise it'll make your day.

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