Saturday, April 2, 2011


Once upon a time I was an EFY Counselor. I was put on the Variety Show committee and was therefore involved in the auditions.

A girl named Grace made a decision to try out. Her voice was really good. She got in the talent show.

A year later she was at BYU and I ran into her and we became friends since I remembered her from the talent show.

The next year, because I remembered how well she sang I asked her to audition for GleeYU, the music group I started. She made it in.

During a concert, the administrator of the BYU events team, saw Grace and talked to her afterwards.

Grace was offered a job on the events team, loves her job, and is finding new windows of opportunity from the job every day.

All because she decided to audition for the talent show at a summer camp in high school years before.

It’s interesting how one little decision leads to other things down the road. If she had never auditioned, she would not have been given the job that she has now. I think it says something about always being ready to seize opportunities. It’s worth it to apply for that scholarship, to try out for that team, to go to that event, to meet that extra person. Who knows what your seemingly small decision will lead to in the future. Who knows what kind of chain you’ll be able to make one day that says, “Because I did this…that happened”, “because of that, this opportunity came up”, “because of that situation, I was able to achieve this”, “and because I decided to do this one little thing in April 2011, all of that happened.”

So go do that one little thing, for it is April 2011.

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